, in which someone pretending to beAttack.Phishinga bank sendsAttack.Phishingan email or text message , hoping to trickAttack.Phishingyou into enter or re-enter account information or a credit card number . What hit MacEwan was a spear phishing attackAttack.Phishing, in which scammers impersonateAttack.Phishinga client or associate of the individual . In this case , the fraudster had cut-and-pasted the actual vendor ’ s logo , MacEwan spokesman David Beharry said . A phishing attacker will often cast several luresAttack.Phishing; in this case , investigators said 14 different Edmonton-area construction sites or firms were impersonatedAttack.Phishingas part of this attempt . The successful trickAttack.Phishingled to financial transfers equivalent to more than five per cent of the publicly funded school ’ s 2016 operating budget , according to records . This inflicted vastly more damage than the last well-documented online scam to successfully target an Alberta post-secondary school : last year , University of Calgary paidAttack.Ransom$ 20,000 in what ’ s known as a ransomware attackAttack.Ransom, in which cyberattackers manage to lock or encrypt network data until the victim pays upAttack.Ransom. While MacEwan is confident it can recoup the amounts already frozen , it will also incur legal fees on three continents as it tries to do so , Beharry says . Edmonton ’ s second-largest university knew enough about this problem to launch its own phishing awareness campaign last school year for staff and students , posters and all . Now , the school itself will become a cautionary tale about the perils and pratfalls of spear phishing cyberattacksAttack.Phishing. With this ugly incident , MacEwan University becomes a cautionary tale of another sort : financial controls . These were not high-level employees ensnared by this phishing attackAttack.Phishing, the school spokesman says , though he did not identify them or clarify how the three employees were involved . From now on , one fraud and $ 11.8 million later , such vendor banking information changes will need to go through a second and third level of approval at MacEwan before the final clicks or keystrokes occur .